When similar shapes and colors are repeated, it creates rhythm in the painting.  Rhythm adds interest by creating movement within the picture.
     In the Louisa Villea, rhythm is expressed in the composition by repetition...the repeating of shapes and colors. The color red is dominant in repeating abstract shapes, as it starts in the lower right of the painting and moves toward the center.
     The swirling abstract lines and shapes seem to dance around the center of the composition.  These colors and shapes cause the viewer's eyes to move freely around Louisa, the painting's main subject.
     A dominant shape within the artwork is the triangle, both obvious and not so obvious.  The triangular shape creates rhythm while moving through the composition....the tops of the buildings, the tops of the two cardinal's heads, the shape of the goldenrod.  Less noticeable, yet as effective, are the rays of light over the cherub, the fleur-de-lis earring, and the body positioning of Louisa.
     Wings are used to show rhythm. Notice the cherub wings, the female cardinal's wings, and even the wing-like, ruffled sleeves of Louisa.